I'd like to keep it as long as I can... I'm only 23 and its noticeably thinning. To me at least. My friends dont notice it. As I've had long hair almost my whole life, I'd like not to just piss it away. I'd be even uglier.
Headbanging would suck too.
Honestly same. Baldness doesn't run in my family except for one uncle, but I think I got that gene. I first noticed it a couple years ago that my hairline is starting to make a widow's peak, and is a bit thinner. I told my gf that the day it gets noticeable I'm shaving my head and going fully bald.
I'm lucky. Both sides of my family have little in the way of baldness. My dad is almost 60 and only has a light patch on the back of his head. My grandfather on my moms side is 83 and still has all his hair
from what i understand rogain does not work. propecia On the other hand does, but it also makes you really depressed and suicidal so i wouldn't recommend it to someone in your...situation.
My mom uses rogaine, propecia, and something else. She swears by the rogaine, and told me not to use propecia because it reduces testosterone, and shes worried it will affect my sex drive
But she says rogaine works. And has been using it for years. The other stuff is new because she had a negative reaction to Wen.
My friend used to use rogaine too before he just shaved it all off.
Idk. Im not super bad yet. My friends dont notice it. But I do. It will be years until Im bald, or thin enough where people notice. But Id like to prevent it.
But she says rogaine works. And has been using it for years. The other stuff is new because she had a negative reaction to Wen.
My friend used to use rogaine too before he just shaved it all off.
Idk. Im not super bad yet. My friends dont notice it. But I do. It will be years until Im bald, or thin enough where people notice. But Id like to prevent it.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
hey man gimme a hit
dope man dope man
meet a nigga wit monae
but thats ok he is so rich
and yooz just the dope manz bitch
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Edit - Granted, it could just be the same deal as when each Papa "quits" the band.