I'd like to keep it as long as I can... I'm only 23 and its noticeably thinning. To me at least. My friends dont notice it. As I've had long hair almost my whole life, I'd like not to just piss it away. I'd be even uglier.
There is no look worse than hair loss deniers lol. Fuck spray on hair, comb overs, transplant scars, or wearing a bandana 24/7 like you used to sing for Poison. I had a boss once who had plugs put in, and still went bald. Nice fucking doll hair string patches Bob, you look retarded.
Save your money. It is what it is. Rock it while you can until it's time to scalp yourself.
There is no look worse than hair loss deniers lol. Fuck spray on hair, comb overs, transplant scars, or wearing a bandana 24/7 like you used to sing for Poison. I had a boss once who had plugs put in, and still went bald. Nice fucking doll hair string patches Bob, you look retarded.
Save your money. It is what it is. Rock it while you can until it's time to scalp yourself.
I just want to try rogaine. None of that other shit. If I still lose it with rogaine, I'll do a skullet, and hopefully die young.
from what i understand rogain does not work. propecia On the other hand does, but it also makes you really depressed and suicidal so i wouldn't recommend it to someone in your...situation.
they keep appearing on tours with clutch and buttmetal like trivium.
6/10 at best
Headbanging would suck too.
Save your money. It is what it is. Rock it while you can until it's time to scalp yourself.
from what i understand rogain does not work. propecia On the other hand does, but it also makes you really depressed and suicidal so i wouldn't recommend it to someone in your...situation.