kings of leon/deerhunter tickets amorphis tickets new fucking wooden silverware organizer because I smashed mine on the kitchen floor in a fit of rage ))) :-<
I had just taken a shower and someone put a dirty fork back and it was stuck onto the fork on which it was stacked. when I lifted it it hit my forearm and pricked me, while also getting the unknown sticky substance on my arm. never figured out what it was, but it had the same aggravating consistency of wax. smashed the organizer in three pieces on the floor )))
pokemon master ball plush
couple local band cassette tapes
amorphis tickets
new fucking wooden silverware organizer because I smashed mine on the kitchen floor in a fit of rage
I know some dirty fucking people but what kind of animals do you live with?
Deeper Than Sky by VHOL
Air by Astronoid
The Armor of Ire by Eternal Champion
Yu Gi Oh legacy duel box #2
some booster packs
Zombie Kenny pop
DBZ crate from best buy
Rex :!!!!!!!!!
wtf have I become