Well this is a boner. I was about to see the Claypool-Lennon Delirium This is also like my only opportunity to see Peal Jam because I won't go see them headline solo. Plus I was going to have my second molly night tonight and rage at the funky superjam
No problem bro. This dude I knew that I went to school with said he copped one time and they took the money off his card but never sent tix. When he called to inquire about it they said an order for his account wasn't on their computer so they refunded the money and he missed whatever show he was going to lol I wouldn't trust it.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
This is also like my only opportunity to see Peal Jam because I won't go see them headline solo. Plus I was going to have my second molly night tonight and rage at the funky superjam
But 80,000 people now have to make the pilgrimage back through two entrances. Fuck. We're afraid to go up right now.
They put up cell towers since last time I was here. Usually my phone is a paperweight while I'm here so this is weird as fuck lol
Welcome to sausage land