Italian Gothic/Doom
Their new album (due out April 2nd) has been leaked... im about halfway through it right now; it's pretty damn good. Their debut album, "Days of Nothing", was fucking out of this world; good. The somber feel they've manage to give their songs are top-notch, and the music itself is good and original.
Having dabbled in a little gothic metal myself... The Foreshadowing's style of leaving out the female vocals to their music, was refreshing. You can only try to replicate something Tristania has done so many times before it starts becoming ridiculous. (That whole "Beauty and the beast" vocal thing)
As far as what Gothic/Doom should sound like, and its experiential qualities..... this band has got it down perfectly.
Here's a song from their debut album:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6FZ6kgeE20Their new album is called
1. The Dawning
2. Outsiders
3. Oionos
4. Fallen Reign
5. Soliloquium
6. Lost Humanity
7. Survivors Sleep
8. Chant Of Widows
9. Hope. She's In The Water
10. Russians (Sting Cover)
11. Revelation
Their Myspace Check out their new album too (Buy it if you like it)
I will definitly check this out later.
and jake is right.
I wasn't expecting much from the name.