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Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,828 spicy boy
Me and the GF decided to start planning a backpacking trip in Europe for next summer. 

Going to take the kids. Not sure where were going yet, but basically what we do is set a dollar amount we want to save, usually above what we need, and then open a new bank account. Both of us then just have whatever debited out of our check into that account until we hit out goal. 

Just makes it easier that way. After a week or two you hardly notice the extra money coming out, and then before you know it you have a stockpile. 

So anyone else have any trips planned, and for those big ones how to you go about planning the logistics. Its MU so i assume most of us take the Todd method and travel with our cloths and drugs in the same plastic bag. 


    In about 6 months I'm eligible for a 3 week paid sabbatical at my job. No solid plans yet but I definitely want to visit another country.

    Where do you guys wanna hit up in Europe? 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    I'm going back to Europe next year as well, just depends on what's the best price. Also curious to know where you wanted to go! Lots of good options. 

    I actually follow a FB page that posts when good flight deals happen out of Dallas. Most of the trips I take are just based on finding cheap flights. Granted I can be fairly flexible but there are some good deals out there if you look for them. Went to Puerto Rico for $220, London for $600, Virgin Islands for $76, all round trip. 

    As for logistics, I always make sure to have things planned sporadically through the time I'll be there so that I at least have some solid plans, then I fill it in with general exploring and what not, always give yourself a chance to discover things on your own.

    A key thing though is that I make sure to know how to find and use the local public transport. Navigating a foreign land can be tough if you're not properly prepared. Also be up to date on common scams or tourist traps you may run into. Europe is rife with that shit unfortunately. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,828 spicy boy
    We haven't totally decided yet. I think we're going to end up planning a couple different trips lol. 

    The GF wants to spend a week in one place and a week in another to try and "get to know a city" because of all the history there. 

    So I think we are going to try and find some place where we can really sulk in the culture and stuff. 

    We're going to put together a list and narrow it down i think. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,828 spicy boy
    That's fucking lit though. I need a sabbatical. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,907 spicy boy
    I was supposed to go to Nashville this week, but we couldnt afford it this year. I'll probably take my vacation days in December and just chill at home for a week. 
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