did i say they are metal? i was just simply stating Freddie was one of her idols and that she also likes to listen to metal. plus Stone Cold Crazy could pass off as a metal song deee <_>
Alright here's a question (since this is the "official" thread...Whats your fave Gaga song? I would say its a 3 way tie between "Eh Eh (What Can I Say)", "Brown Eyes" or "Summerboys" yeah i know i didn't pick any of the "Singles" , but to me, with an artist like this, its more impressive/good in my eyes to have good/great album tracks. Sumnerboy is actually kind of a pop rocker type, something i wasn't expecting at all.
your sentence structure makez it look like youre lumping him up in teh genre.
But thiz iz GaGa thread.
it said it waz Punk influenced. <_>
just like windows 7