Dude my girls reaction watching dead alive for the first time was fucking hilarious ) Is there anything comparable when it comes to the ridiculousness of the gore and effects?
Evil Dead 2 is the closest I can think of. Maybe Brain Damage, Re-Animator, and Tokyo Gore Police
The Guinnea Pig films too, but those are kind of... advanced
Idk Evil Dead and Re-animator are gory but not bodies in a blender gory, or pudding spewing out of a zombies neck hole gory. Imo Dead Alive is just a whole other level of shlock (in a good way) without going full Terrifier or Bone Tomahawk.
Dude my girls reaction watching dead alive for the first time was fucking hilarious ) Is there anything comparable when it comes to the ridiculousness of the gore and effects?
Evil Dead 2 is the closest I can think of. Maybe Brain Damage, Re-Animator, and Tokyo Gore Police
The Guinnea Pig films too, but those are kind of... advanced
Idk Evil Dead and Re-animator are gory but not bodies in a blender gory, or pudding spewing out of a zombies neck hole gory. Imo Dead Alive is just a whole other level of shlock (in a good way) without going full Terrifier or Bone Tomahawk.
Yea I cant think of a lot that matches Dead Alive
Well, without going full shlock. You can always watch Burning Moon or Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
I think I've told this story on here, but at a party one time they had a designated room for all the super drunk people to pass out in and some idiot decided to put Hostel 2 on the tv in that room. The ending scene started a chain vomit with everyone in there )
Anybody got any movie suggestions that are legitimately disturbing/scary? It’s prolly due to seeing legitimate snuff films and the internet completely desensitizing me, but a horror movie hasn’t legitimately fucked wit my head since I was a kid.
I kept hearing bout how terrifying Hereditary was and how it was so scary it was making people walk out of theaters yet it was jus another run of the mill possession story.
Anybody got any movie suggestions that are legitimately disturbing/scary? It’s prolly due to seeing legitimate snuff films and the internet completely desensitizing me, but a horror movie hasn’t legitimately fucked wit my head since I was a kid.
I kept hearing bout how terrifying Hereditary was and how it was so scary it was making people walk out of theaters yet it was jus another run of the mill possession story.
Scary is a bit hard, but disturbing I can recommend... Burning Moon, and Slaughtered Vomit Dolls like I mentioned. The I Spit On Your Grave series, Last House on the Left (original), or any rape revenge movie really. The August Underground films. The Guinea Pig films - specifically The Flower Of Flesh And Blood. Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox. Pieces, Maniac...
Anybody got any movie suggestions that are legitimately disturbing/scary? It’s prolly due to seeing legitimate snuff films and the internet completely desensitizing me, but a horror movie hasn’t legitimately fucked wit my head since I was a kid.
I kept hearing bout how terrifying Hereditary was and how it was so scary it was making people walk out of theaters yet it was jus another run of the mill possession story.
Thats such a broad question. Do you want something extra gorey, something that will keep you thinking after the movie is over, something that with a lot of jump scares, etc
The majority of horror fans are not scared by horror movies. They just watch it for the story, the allegories, the cool kills, the special effects, etc. I can't think of the last time a movie scared me. I'm sure MC or Satan would say the same.
Well, without going full shlock. You can always watch Burning Moon or Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
You Should Have Left
I know I haven't doing reviews of what I watched but Hostel 3 is some SyFy channel shit.
I kept hearing bout how terrifying Hereditary was and how it was so scary it was making people walk out of theaters yet it was jus another run of the mill possession story.
The August Underground films. The Guinea Pig films - specifically The Flower Of Flesh And Blood. Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox. Pieces, Maniac...
What kind of movie are you looking for?
The majority of horror fans are not scared by horror movies. They just watch it for the story, the allegories, the cool kills, the special effects, etc. I can't think of the last time a movie scared me. I'm sure MC or Satan would say the same.