Does he have any real life investments, or is he placing most of his actual not-for-fun-money in crypto?
Most of his real money is going into it. He believes in it and is doing it for the long term. In his words he's not using any of it until he can buy a tesla with bitcoin.
If he's been in since August it's not as crazy as it sounds. Anybody who bought while the prices were down yesterday should be pretty happy already. It's +20-30% almost across the board.
I can see how that happens with these other coins. You can spend all day buying and selling depending on what the markets are doing. I know a few guys online who just scoop up everything that's falls 25-30% below the daily average then just flip it back the next day when it evens out again. It's become their full time job.
Buy low, sell high.
Tron going on a 50% run from a nickle
Now at $.14