8 hour drive, WORTH IT!! I saw 5 of the greatest bands you must see live before you die!!! no joke. I was front row center and the night of my life.
Landmine Marathon: never heard of these guys before, they're a death metal band from Arizona and thy kicked ass especially with their female vocalist. These guys are a must listen. 8/10
HATE ETERNAL: wow....just wow! Erik Rutan is one of the greatest Death Metal musicians today and the reason is because of how awesome he is live! His vocals are top notch and sound just like they do on record and his guitar solos are something you must see up close. 10/10
3 Inches of Blood: Awesome band to see live! Cam Pipes vocals are excellent and they put on a show that really gvies you that old school heavy metal feeling. Unfortunately they didn't really have that good of a set list but it's still going to be cool to see them at Mayhem. 8/10
D.R.I. : After last night...My favorite Hardcore band of all time!!!! D.R.I. still sounds like they did in the 80's. The crowd was violent as fuck! people were popping Fire Crackers in the middle of the pit! it was insane! D.R.I. played all their best songs and really know how to get the crowd going. I cant wait til they come here to Iowa in September! 10/10
Voivod: Another awesome band of the night! So entertaining and they get so involved with the crowd and Blacky is one of the greatest bass players I've ever seen in my life, Snake is one of the coolest frontman in metal today, and Away is such a kick ass drummer!! 10/10
CANNIBAL CORPSE: This was my third time seeing them and I had a good idea what to expect but I was wrong! dead wrong! Third chimes a mother fucking charm!! They were better than from when I saw them at Mayhem and Decimation of the Nation 2. They were top notch and on their A+ game. It was perfect but what really got me to cum in my pants was when they pulled out my favorite Cannibal Corpse song everz!! SKULL FULL OF MAGGOTS!!! I was so so happy that they performed that! They also pulled out Devoured by Vermin which was also awesome!! Cannibal Corpse is my favorite band of all time and this show last night was the very reason! 10/10
shit I got:
D.R.I. Crossover album cover shirt
Voivod setlsit that I caught:
The Unkown Knows
Ripping Heads
Tribal Convictions
Global Warming
Missing Seq.
A Strong Domine
I'll post pics once I get them all organized
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But that's because you suck.
anyway, I wanted to go to that. glad u had fun.
Ive seen hate eternal at decimation of the nation 2, they were pretty cool
Hate Eternal:
3 Inches of Blood:
Me with Kurt Brecht from D.R.I.
it's because you have terrible taste and shouldnt be allowed to listen to metal now GTFO
I like corpsegrinders behemoth shirt a lot
btw was that you, nola, who was goin to see Cold?