Still haven't gotten the newsletter with the info. I'll post it when I get it. Not sure if Ape's Co-worker may want to try for a set as well since he was there.
You can buy them for $300 at a quick glance, or build your own for half cost. There are plenty of instructions online on how to add led lights inside a thin box behind a snap frame.
I just recieved this custom piece from a guy who makes shadowbox 3D artwork. Any movie, TV show, video game etc you can think of, he can make it. If you want to look at some of his work, check @ curiousgoods666 on IG.
Artist version will be going on sale Friday.
Just checked. No exact time. Between noon and 1 PM pacific time.
Got em
Fuck yeah!
Only saw the first night go up and copped that right away. Kept refreshing for another 10 minutes before I realized they were listed as a set lol.