just had to rage quit a competitive match. I was trying to stay positive. They had 2 healers focusing phara and they fucks were bitching at me to kill the phara and i was our only hit scan. I had a fucking junkrat tell me that junkrat is "pretty meta" on defense.
holy shit kill yourself.
so we stopped them mad short of the 3rd check point and i quit on the team because they are faggots don't deserve a w
I was playing Zen one game and Pharah kept wrecking me so i said "can someone focus the Pharah she's picking our healers" and the guy playing SOLDIER 76 said "hey Zen, can you do it?"
I was like ":| uhhhh no i'm projectile someone with hitscan like Soldier should do it"
Playing comp and got steamrolled on defense in like 2 minutes. On attack team chose Hanzo, Sym, Bastion, and 2 others i cant remember but the team comp was woat so i picked Mei and just threw the game on attack.
holy shit kill yourself.
so we stopped them mad short of the 3rd check point and i quit on the team because they are faggots don't deserve a w
I was like ":| uhhhh no i'm projectile someone with hitscan like Soldier should do it"
then i had to explain the difference
looks like ill be playing lucio if these go live
got 3 messages telling me to kill myself