What are you talking about dva being unusable? Shes still a fucking beast you just have to play her right.
Riadhogs hook is getting more time, but hes also getting his cooldown switched from 6 to 8 seconds.
Also they are working on adjustments to dvas defense matrix as well.
Everyone from Mei, to Tracer, to Pharah, to Zarya, even Zenyatta can 1v1 Dva now, and win the majority of the fights. DVa is MUCH too squishy for how big and slow she is. She's by far the least usable tank in the meta now. And, ironically, Roadhog as moved up to probably the most usable tank besides Rein.
DVa is just fucking terrible now. Too squishy to be a tank, but doesnt do enough damage to be considered offense. Shes almost a defesne at this point, but she doesnt have any position holding skills.
Lol well i play the game ever day and im telling you that you arent getting 600 damage from 2 shots. I was playing hog last nigt. Are you taking shot hoook shot combo? Because that is a 3 hit combo.
Technically yes, if a Hog hooks you and somehow manages to shoot you two times and they're both headshots, you're dead.
but who the fuck gets two shotted by a roadhog, especially headshots? Squishies get one shotted by Hog which is the whole point if his existence, and every tank has protection abilities to avoid getting two shotted. How is that broken?
Technically yes, if a Hog hooks you and somehow manages to shoot you two times and they're both headshots, you're dead.
but who the fuck gets two shotted by a roadhog, especially headshots? Squishies get one shotted by Hog which is the whole point if his existence, and every tank has protection abilities to avoid getting two shotted. How is that broken?
Did you even watch the vid? He makes a point to show even Zaryas get dominated by Hogs now.
They'll nerf Dva into oblivion to where she's basically unusable now.
But Roadhog, no, gotta keep him broken and OP.
Riadhogs hook is getting more time, but hes also getting his cooldown switched from 6 to 8 seconds.
Also they are working on adjustments to dvas defense matrix as well.
Also i could 1v1 diva a lot with mei before the patch.
and her being slow
the only thing i want from diva is her defense matrix to be 360
allthough he does fuck up zarya. They should give her a health buff against his hook.
but who the fuck gets two shotted by a roadhog, especially headshots? Squishies get one shotted by Hog which is the whole point if his existence, and every tank has protection abilities to avoid getting two shotted. How is that broken?