^this pantera is no where near as influential or good as the other three We're talking about the best bands in metal history, pantera just can't compete
"We're talking about the best bands in metal history"
there's one band that saved metal in the 90s, and it wasn't any of those 3. It was Pantera. So if your not gonna include Pantera as of the best, you downright ignorant.
I'm sorry, but this "saving metal" thing is just inaccurate. There was plenty of awesome death and black metal coming out in the 90's, metal didn't need "saving". Pantera was just the only POPULAR metal band at that time. I understand the internet was not around and it was much tougher to find those good metal bands at the time, given their extreme (the death and black metal bands) sound, but they were there. All Pantera did was save metal's popularity. I have never heard of a genre of music dying off completely. Ever. I could care less whether metal was popular or not.
"There was plenty of awesome death and black metal coming out in the 90's.'
yes, plenty of awesome death and black metal that no-one had any clue of or even gave a shit about at the time. Without Pantera's popularity, where would your precise metal world be? Grunge was kicking the living shit out of metal weather you want to admit or not. Pantera kicked right back. To say Pantera was just the only popular band is fucking stupid. They were as big as they were for a reason.
"We're talking about the best bands in metal history, pantera just can't compete"
this was your comment Santana, right? To say that Pantera isn't one of the best in history is about as ridiculous as you claiming LP is the greatest live band out there.
I understand your still young, so you'll learn in time the importance of Pantera. The stupid comments just get to me.
sabbath 19
pantera 2
metallica 23
sabbath 19
pantera 1 -
metallica 23
sabbath 19
pantera 0 -
metallica 24 +
pantera is no where near as influential or good as the other three
We're talking about the best bands in metal history, pantera just can't compete
sabbath 18 -
metallica 25+
there's one band that saved metal in the 90s, and it wasn't any of those 3. It was Pantera. So if your not gonna include Pantera as of the best, you downright ignorant.
yes, plenty of awesome death and black metal that no-one had any clue of or even gave a shit about at the time. Without Pantera's popularity, where would your precise metal world be? Grunge was kicking the living shit out of metal weather you want to admit or not. Pantera kicked right back. To say Pantera was just the only popular band is fucking stupid. They were as big as they were for a reason.
"metal didn't need "saving"
wow, just wow.
shit for brains, nobody's disputing that. It also has absolutely nothing to do with what Im talking about.
this was your comment Santana, right? To say that Pantera isn't one of the best in history is about as ridiculous as you claiming LP is the greatest live band out there.
I understand your still young, so you'll learn in time the importance of Pantera. The stupid comments just get to me.