The reviews seem a bit dry for me. Well written, but it's all about the band and stage set up. Lots of facts, but where the fuck is Slap? How was the crowd, the energy, the random people, what unique shit happened? If I'm gonna follow a blog writer, they need to have a style of writing, humor, or a personality I can connect with.
Yeah, i'm tryna like, rebrand myself so I'm figuring out my voice. also it was a black metal show in portalnd so the crowd was mostly just standing there, and stuff, not much to talk about outside the performances. Also I"m tryna write professionally so I figure well written reports on the performances and stuff is a good start. but I appreciate the criticism, thanks man!
We've been talking to you for years on here, so we have the benefit of knowing your personality and your passion and knowledge for music. You just have to let some of that shine through into your blog and you will do quite well. You're probably everybody's favorite person to talk music with, and for good reason. Report the performance, but remember that's only a small part of the live experience. You can see a band perform on TV, but you feel it live.
For example, we already know what Tool is gonna play. We know their performances will be great. All of the broad brushstrokes are there already. Only the personal experience really changes. Share the essence of the experience and show your passion for the music and you can gonna go farther with this than you probably expect.
I listened to some of that yith album. I appreciated it, but it was like... constant, blaring black/doom with very few tempo change-ups. I think the songs were pretty long too.
most of the songs are like 5-6 minutes, pretty standard for the genre. yeah, I how seamless it all is, but to same that may appear monotonous, so I get that. I just always hate when black/doom bands have to like end a doom riff, fade out, then play some unrelated black metal riffs faster etc. This stuff seems like a through composition as opposed to riffs mashed together.
For example, we already know what Tool is gonna play. We know their performances will be great. All of the broad brushstrokes are there already. Only the personal experience really changes. Share the essence of the experience and show your passion for the music and you can gonna go farther with this than you probably expect.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
crushing black/doom
warm, hypnotic shoegaze
crushing funeral doom