LOCAL ROCK STATION: You’re listening to rock. Fucking rock. We’re hard as shit. All the other stations are whimpy little snowflakes for not playing rock, like we do. Hard rock. Rock and metal and fucking rock. Up next is Twenty One Pilots followed by Imagine Dragons
LOCAL ROCK STATION: You’re listening to rock. Fucking rock. We’re hard as shit. All the other stations are whimpy little snowflakes for not playing rock, like we do. Hard rock. Rock and metal and fucking rock. Up next is Twenty One Pilots followed by Imagine Dragons
LOCAL ROCK STATION: You’re listening to rock. Fucking rock. We’re hard as shit. All the other stations are whimpy little snowflakes for not playing rock, like we do. Hard rock. Rock and metal and fucking rock. Up next is Twenty One Pilots followed by Imagine Dragons
Literally majority of the rock stations I hear when I'm on the road lmao my favorite one was an intro along those lines followed by "Oh yeah we're going to hell for playing it and you're going to hell for listening! The radio station they want banned but we're to hard for that!" Immediately plays Halestorm )