Like you two have the spicy memes. Anybody want to tally up the thread and see who sits where? Don't worry about me, up yer own meme game instead.
It was a shitty meme I agree, but I thought maybe MC might like it with his Chad bullshit. The rest of us could maybe get half a chuckle out of Trump's saddle ass (LOOK AT IT) Sometimes I post memes not because I think they are great but because the remind me of one somebody here for one reason or another.
How MC keeps away the ladies
Let's see a whole page of good memes from here on out.
dude just stahp.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Like you two have the spicy memes. Anybody want to tally up the thread and see who sits where? Don't worry about me, up yer own meme game instead.
It was a shitty meme I agree, but I thought maybe MC might like it with his Chad bullshit. The rest of us could maybe get half a chuckle out of Trump's saddle ass (LOOK AT IT) Sometimes I post memes not because I think they are great but because the remind me of one somebody here for one reason or another.
How MC keeps away the ladies
Let's see a whole page of good memes from here on out.