Rogan is kind of annoying me lately. I've watched/listened to a couple of his podcass recently when he doesnt know what he's talking about its super annoying
Like when Chris Cornell died he was talking about mental illness and depression and just the way he talking about it was just fucking retarded. He was pretty much like "i dont understand it dude was a rock star be happy lol"
For someone who is supposedly so into science and medicine he just sounded really stupid.
Oh and neighborhood gentrification. He was trying to say that people hate gentrification because people hate change and they want the old neighborhood to stay the same even if its a shitty dirty area as long as its the same. Whats the big deal yada yada. Completely oblivious to the fact that when gentrification happens that most of the old residents cant afford to stay in the new housing
But he goes on and on about it when he clearly has no clue what he is talking about. It gets old.
Rogan is all about having discussions and debate, and exploring ideas. He knows hes not always right. Thats why he has all sorts of different guests on.
thats what i appreciate so much about him. Hes mostly unfiltered. He also freely admits when he messes up and makes mistakes in what he talks about. Generally when he forms about an opinion about something he does a large amount of research on the subject though.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
10k days
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
For someone who is supposedly so into science and medicine he just sounded really stupid.
But he goes on and on about it when he clearly has no clue what he is talking about. It gets old.