im only watching WD cause why stop now. Too far in. Show sucks doe.
That's where I am. They have the ability to have some good shows every now and then... (like terminus), however it mostly sucks. I tune in hoping for more like terminus, but I expect it to be like last nights episode *yawn*
im only watching WD cause why stop now. Too far in. Show sucks doe.
Did that with Dexter. They say most shows don't age well, that is definitely one of them. Wanted to watch it so I watched season 4 because I knew it was the shit. All I could do was see the glaring flaws. Rita has to be one of the worst characters in any show every. You could just replace her with a cactus that has zero lines and Dexter still saying "I'm busy I'll be home late" and everything would have felt exactly the same
I watched season 4 once while it was still new every week, shit was like 6-7 years ago. Having just rewatched it, yeah it's still the best season of the show but overall it was still pretty meh. I think everybody was caught up in the moment when it came out because there was nothing like it.
Still haven't watched Sopranos (thanks google) and Joffrey was just more annoying than anything. He didn't kill a character that the show spent so much time on and made probably the most likeable character, at least he was probably the most level headed straight character. Yeah Ned Stark was a big deal I guess but I power watched the show so I was over it the next day. Really the closest thing I would use to compare Walt killing Mike from GoT would be Arya not killing the hound. Fucking bitch
I am really enjoying the show, but there's no way it would be getting 9.5/10 ratings from everybody after three episodes if it wasn't led in by Breaking Bad. I'm not saying it doesn't have the potential to be that good. It's just they're still setting a lot up and introducing a lot. When it picks up are they going to give it 14/10?
Tonight :!!
hoc :!!
Did that with Dexter. They say most shows don't age well, that is definitely one of them. Wanted to watch it so I watched season 4 because I knew it was the shit. All I could do was see the glaring flaws. Rita has to be one of the worst characters in any show every. You could just replace her with a cactus that has zero lines and Dexter still saying "I'm busy I'll be home late" and everything would have felt exactly the same
Mike \m/
iv never had a show effect me emotionally like when hank was killed. Perfectly written episode ^:)^