Its sexual harrassment to try dancing with girls at a club. There is literally no acceptable place for men to meet women for dating attempts.
"For four out of five Britons (82 percent), it's sexual harassment for a man to dance a woman at a twill-type party. In France (71 percent), Sweden and Norway (both 73 percent), it is ten percentage points less. In Germany (50 percent) and Finland (53 percent), only half of respondents define this as sexually overbearing."
This isnt about me faggot. We're going down a very dark path for the average person to follow.
Im all for women fucking off and doing their own thing, and men fucking off and doing their own thing. But not everyone is like me, and many men want to meet and date women. And I am afraid for my friends and family who want to date.
Im all for women fucking off and doing their own thing, and men fucking off and doing their own thing. But not everyone is like me, and many men want to meet and date women. And I am afraid for my friends and family who want to date.
Or Ed :-?
Kill yourself
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)