Fuck ) I read through a couple threads. Funny shit. Did you know 9/11 was caused by "the" jews? ) Like they all got together and decided they were gonna take out the twin towers. THOSE GODDAMN JEWS!!
Really though why do we care so much more about the poor jews that died when Stalin killed quite a few more people and it wasn't nearly as big of a deal. This is where he would go on about the rothschilds and how the Jews own the media l.
There is a good point to some of that shit. The US only recently even recognized the Armenian Genocide, and it was far worse in terms of population than the Holocaust was for Jews. The Turkish wiped out almost 2/3 of the Armenians in 5 years. You can barely find a book about it and several different historians won't even recognize it even though the guy who coined the term "genocide" used what happened to Armenians to as the example. The Irish Potato Famine also gets little ink even though the Brits pretty much starved the country to death while forcing them to surrender all other food sources such as beef and grain. I'm not the type to deny the Holocaust, but I definitely think the Jews have used their hold on popular media to help push the idea that their persecution was particularly horrible. I mean, there have been about a thousand Holocaust movies in the last 50 years, mostly with Producers surnamed stein and berg. I can't even remember the last Spanish Inquisition movie I saw though, never mind anything at all about the Irish or Armenians. The recent Sudanese and Rwandan genocides got a little action because it was topical, but nothing like it should have. I get the idea a lot of people still couldn't point out Darfur on a map
Ive been thinking, and this is a little irrelevant, but the world almost needs an apocalyptic third world war. We need a new super power to rise and threaten the entire globe, so that those remaining can band together against a single common enemy. Maybe then after things wouldnt be so fucking chaotic.
For some reason, I always figured the White Power section would be all up some military ass
i bet none these fucks get thrown out. Just as bad as pigs
It's a link to a white power forum where they are talking shit on American soldiers, calling them "Green Niggers"
It's fucking weird
There is a good point to some of that shit. The US only recently even recognized the Armenian Genocide, and it was far worse in terms of population than the Holocaust was for Jews. The Turkish wiped out almost 2/3 of the Armenians in 5 years. You can barely find a book about it and several different historians won't even recognize it even though the guy who coined the term "genocide" used what happened to Armenians to as the example. The Irish Potato Famine also gets little ink even though the Brits pretty much starved the country to death while forcing them to surrender all other food sources such as beef and grain. I'm not the type to deny the Holocaust, but I definitely think the Jews have used their hold on popular media to help push the idea that their persecution was particularly horrible. I mean, there have been about a thousand Holocaust movies in the last 50 years, mostly with Producers surnamed stein and berg. I can't even remember the last Spanish Inquisition movie I saw though, never mind anything at all about the Irish or Armenians. The recent Sudanese and Rwandan genocides got a little action because it was topical, but nothing like it should have. I get the idea a lot of people still couldn't point out Darfur on a map
Hitler should have finished the job
Yes basically. Code Geass had a similar message as well now that Im thinking about it. Art imitates reality
and Ham.
Hate would be funny
were it not so terrifying
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)