Out of which of the following would you rather do over the others?
Would you rather..... 12 votes
Go to a Baby Metal concert and pretend you're having fun and grind on Japanese tweens
1 vote
Go to a Carcass concert but talk about how much they blow and yell annoying remarks at them the entire time (basically be a douche)
Go to a For Today concert and take a shit on the floor in the middle of the crowd
Throw a grill out day and invite all of your family and friends and blast Cattle Decapitation the entire time
Go to a Luke Bryan concert

2 votes
0 ·
Option 6: Kill myself.
Considerably better than all 5.
I don't know who For Today is but option seemed legit
Entire poll kinda came outta nowhere
Made the right choice then
Nothing like family time.
He sucks so much ass and is one of the leading reasons as to why mainstream country music sucks so much balls today but...... hot drunk redneck chicks.