Not really? The opening scene, the scene at the barn and the ending scene will at least clock you 40 mins. Not to mention the scene when they first find X-23. You're greatly short changing the action. And in any matter, the movie really focused on the emotional character arcs of Charles and Logan. Lot more to that movie than action.
Dude you're objectively wrong. The opening scene. The scene at the barn where X-23 is fighting off the soldiers. The chase scene after the barn. The scene where Logan and X-24 square off. The entire ending scene where all the kids are using powers plus Logan fighting. Go time those and I will send you $50 if it's not more than 15 mins. Plus, the heavier part of the story was the emotional drive. That's what made it so compelling. The action scenes were obv. awesome as well but the heart behind that movie was insane.
You're welcome
This movie is an endurance test for how much grotesque, fucked up shit you can handle
Cool movie
Now I want to root a Mage
I need a movie to watch tonight
Any suggestions ?
Not really into Sci fi
I'm watching The Accountant's quite quirky and interesting