Oh pal.....it's just l_IK-e, thus grA_ndiO+s/e statements are so fu-CKED it's like why bother pal????????? AAAHH!!!AHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!AHAHAHHH!!+A_+AH!H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh pal!!!!!!!!! You write "success" like you are some kind of g_RAnd-IO-s_E mother-FUCKER but that"s NO!!! THAT"S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!!!!!!!!! I. I'm the motherfucker. That's GOD GIVEN rights, st_AND-ar-D-s it's no way to talk in front of god him_SEl-f. Oh but thus this little bitch think you fight win_Ne-r but nope, FUCK NO BITCH, this little kangarroo f_Aggo-t could'nt even make it past the parking lot, oh that's just too bad pal...... . ... .. . .. .
.........h_Itt-in_G a fence and throwing a can of sprite isn't fighting, how_Eve-R, if any of ya ya"all pals would like ad_Vic_e on how to sneak liquor into the collinsville waffle h_Ou-s_e , that, that"s truth.
I"m god. I am.
-signed, God.
Dear God Penile you remind me so much of my old mate Doc Caboose/Zaktar/CJ from the Ozzboards
Oh pal.....it's just l_IK-e, thus grA_ndiO+s/e statements are so fu-CKED it's like why bother pal????????? AAAHH!!!AHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!AHAHAHHH!!+A_+AH!H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh pal!!!!!!!!! You write "success" like you are some kind of g_RAnd-IO-s_E mother-FUCKER but that"s NO!!! THAT"S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!!!!!!!!! I. I'm the motherfucker. That's GOD GIVEN rights, st_AND-ar-D-s it's no way to talk in front of god him_SEl-f. Oh but thus this little bitch think you fight win_Ne-r but nope, FUCK NO BITCH, this little kangarroo f_Aggo-t could'nt even make it past the parking lot, oh that's just too bad pal...... . ... .. . .. .
.........h_Itt-in_G a fence and throwing a can of sprite isn't fighting, how_Eve-R, if any of ya ya"all pals would like ad_Vic_e on how to sneak liquor into the collinsville waffle h_Ou-s_e , that, that"s truth.
I"m god. I am.
-signed, God.
Dear God Penile you remind me so much of my old mate Doc Caboose/Zaktar/CJ from the Ozzboards
Dear God Penile you remind me so much of my old mate Doc Caboose/Zaktar/CJ from the Ozzboards
I'll ban you before I ban the trolls.
^are you implying that's Rex knocking ed out?
That fucker was off his meds...
seen people mention that dude a lot, but I don't remember him at all
who was the sister?
Forget her name, Gnomez probably remembers.