Ok lets have some fun u punkass pricks. So i realized that abt like %95 of u fucks r obnoxious little pussies nd scumbag moteherfuckers i am issuing open fight challenge in the pit or inside venue somewhere (this doesnt apply to penile as i will be kicking the shit out of him at slayer) at any of the following shows some of u fucks will be attedning if u are at the following ill be at:
-Pointfest - 5/10 - Riverport Amphitheater
-Slayer - 5/15 - The Pageant
-5FDP - 5/16 - Civic Center
-BLS/Down - 5/20 - HOB Chicago
-Foxy Shazam - 6/17 - The Firebird
-MOtley Crue- July (forgot the day) - Riverport
-Mayhem Fest - July 15 - Riverport
-Overkill - 9/21 - Mojoes
fuck EVERYYYYYYYY single 1 of u
fight at foxy shazam
u got something against Foxy Shazam too? Damn u guys are elitist pricks
the biggest line at foxy shazam will be for the mens restroom, because everyones doing cocaine off the toilet seats.
give it 5 minutes, youll find yourself a fight.
never heard of them, but they look like a bunch of pole smokers...
here's the shows i'll be at you little bitch. Fight me
5/9 Katy Perry Dark Horse Tour
5/28 Thriller: The Michael Jackson Tribute
6/ 11 Garth Brooks
6/ 29 Disney On Ice
7/13 Rekkr
meet me at the pluto statue for doi, we'll duke it out BITCH. bringing my mickey mouse gloves, you dont stand a chance faggot
follow the crack smoke and you'll find me
1st off Foxy Shazam kicks ass they r jsut a different style u fucks. 2nd @kill_monicaa, u think ur funny joking abt thsi shit but wait til the actual REKKR gigs this summer nd u wont last a 2nd there, ur bitch ass will get fucked in the death-pit by swarmers in the first 5 minutes, but u will go cause i know all u bitches will be fans of REKKR once u hear new album and buy tshirt & see u at summer tour bitch
If I had the money and the time to go kick your ass, trust me, I would but I'm not about to drive half way across the country to fuck you up. I'll drive as far as Knoxville, TN. It's gonna be hard to pick a show we can both agree on because you listen to some stupid shit.
Ha! Knoxville? What the fuck man .........
You're the one looking for a fight, not me.
people who talk about fighting are always the people who get their ass beat
you planning on giving someone a...five finger death punch?
FUCK all of u pieces of shit moteherfuckers im sure some of u are in the STL/Peoria/Chicago area nd are into some of these bands
Seriously though, who is this dumbass?