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Anyone here a fan of The Cure?



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    No-They still exist?

    my bro is this way with movies

    Apparently brave heart, the patriot, etc all suck because it stars Mel Gibson and he can't stand him. He's never watched the movies yet they still suck despite winning many awards lol

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy

    and you calling bill lambier the biggest douche bag on earth based on a two hour tv show he was on for maybe a total of 15 minutes isn't an example of you putting in minimal effort? It's the same thing so you can ky

    As far as U2 my dislike for the band doesn't have anything to do with dislike for U2 has to do with every time I hear them I want to rip my ears out...I'd rather listen to ABBA

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    Yes-Good Shit

    a lot of people are shitting on slayer right now because they hate Kerry King

    Tons of shitty metal bands get love while writing mediocre albums. A great puts out some boring shit in their 50s and there's a rabid pack of haters waiting to shit on em. All cuz of King

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    No-They still exist?

    I said bill lamqueer was the biggest douchebag in the nba and I based it off him deliberately just fucking players up with out any intent of playing the actual sport .. I stand by my statement

    And once again id gaf if you think Bono is a dbag, he brings the negativity on himself 

    All I was saying is last time I checked you've never been to Africa or started any charities so does that make you worse than a dbag?

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    No-They still exist?

    exactly my point satan

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy

    I should have just stuck with my original opinion of bono being a douche bag because he wears indoors 

    How does me not having a charity have anything to do with this?  You're just using deflection to try and prove your point. But since I'm being attacked I might as well state what I do actually do. I don't have the means to start a charity but I do volunteer work every month at the soup kitchen, Ronald McDonald house, and I go to the animal shelter to walk the dogs frequently. I just feel like the way bono carries himself he does it just to make himself look good..there are plenty of famous people who do things as anonymously as they can while bono does it in a flaunting way.    

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    No-They still exist?

    good for you for volunteering honestly I think that it's very important and any little amount of charity helps and makes a difference 

    I don't understand the big deal about being vocal about being a decent person.. It's almost like you think someone who helps no one and is quiet about is better than someone who helps a lot of people and is vocal about it idk that shot always confuses me

    I think Bono gets more hate than he deserves and isn't a bad guy.. Like Springsteen tho he's just too big of an attention whore which is annoying but there are way worse people out there, esp in the music business

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    Yes-Good Shit

     I don't necesarily hate U2 for Bono

    He just makes them an easier target. I've always thought they were kinda boring. Tbh, I'm more find of some of their 90s stuff than anything before or since. I think Edge is a mediocre guitarist that has had a couple of interesting ideas that, since he's in a pop band, got overrated. Otherwise, they're a lot like Coldplay...just kinda boring and there to appeal to Wall Street Fagz and women

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy

    Idk honestly man I just feel like there is no need to be vocal about it...bono is famous enough to where he could get his point across without having to self promote in the process..I'm not famous but most of the people in my life don't even know I volunteer on a regular basis because I do to say a word about it...i don't do it for myself.. Sure I get the satisfaction of smiles on peoples faces but I don't like when people act like I'm doing something special helping people. Iv learned that we as a people succeed more when we work together. To me taking credit for that would be wrong. Maybe it's because I don't have a selfish bone In my body and I'm extremely empathetic which is probablyy biggest quality and my biggest weakness. Taking credit for it would just be narcissistic to me and I really can't stand narcissist. 

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    No-They still exist?

    honestly people who dont brag about their volunteer work come off as more humble and genuine. Sure both types of people are helping others, but the more vocal seem more self serving.

    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy

    Honestly my distain for U2 probably comes from my aunts jamming it down my throat through our childhood...but like satan said bono just makes it easier 

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    No-They still exist?

    what made U2 special was the lyrics IMO .. Like you said the instruments are cool and edge has a unique sound(at least he did) but that's not what sets the apart

    U2 is what they are cuz bono wrote beast songs  period.. All I want, where the streets have no name, who's gonna ride you're wild horses etc were some of the best if not the best lyrics of their time.. Bono was actually saying something and something real in the time of Iron maiden babbling about sword fights and poison and Crüe just releasing garbage.. Bono was at least in the 80s an incredible frontman and you believed he actually felt everything he said and t 

    That's what sets them apart, it was all bono .. Give credit where it's due

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    No-They still exist?

    And as far as charity goes I understand what your saying, being more humble about it is usually what people prefer but personally anyone helping others is superior than people not helping others, however way you wanna go about it.. If everyone on this earth were self serving volunteers then this world would still be a much much much better place.. And who knows you talking about it could inspire others to follow suit 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    No-They still exist?

    in terms of guitar playing of course

    In terms of writing amazing songs :))

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy


    Stranglehold >

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    No-They still exist?

    Dudes got two songs

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    Yes-Good Shit

    what made U2 special was the lyrics IMO .. Like you said the instruments are cool and edge has a unique sound(at least he did) but that's not what sets the apart

    U2 is what they are cuz bono wrote beast songs  period.. All I want, where the streets have no name, who's gonna ride you're wild horses etc were some of the best if not the best lyrics of their time.. Bono was actually saying something and something real in the time of Iron maiden babbling about sword fights and poison and Crüe just releasing garbage.. Bono was at least in the 80s an incredible frontman and you believed he actually felt everything he said and t 

    That's what sets them apart, it was all bono .. Give credit where it's due

    lots of bands had topical lyrics. still no dice. boring band is boring

  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Yes-Good Shit
    Rex420 said:

    yea cuz Rex has really delved deep into the U2 80s catalog :|

    Dude kill yourself I have four fucking aunts that grew up in the 80's

    Rex's parents grew up in the 00's.

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