@Roadie, GTSD and pretty much anyone who crossed over from Mayhem Boards as I did. Mayhem Boards are gone, no point to keep bringing them back up again until/if they come back. And is there really a point to coming on here and calling everyone on here already fuck tards and fags? Probably shouldn't have made an account, then!. Roadie, glad you made an account. Lot of good metal conversations over the past few months. But should any of us really retaliate to Metal Uprising users calling us fags by calling them fags? Kind of hypocritical, isn't it? And for the most part, I like most of these guys even though more than half of them have told me to kill myself already. Its their way of saying "I love you".....possibly. If you're not planning to off yourself, why worry about it? Just chill. I got Iron Maiden Trooper Beer and my 4/20 is still going even though its 4/21! And Greg, before you even say "But Maiden's your favorite band and they rip on them." We all have different tastes man. World would be boring if we all liked the same shit. LOL I totally forgot you were going to fight Penile. Make sure you get that on video. Just the fact of the two worst people to ever butcher grammar coming together should create some kind of rip in the space time continuum hahaha
Everyone except DrDime and BeefTorpedo came in missing a sense of humor
Wanna be e*tuff? Gtfo
Overkill still sucks, but that doesn't mean were all over the post-hardcore dick. I'm pretty sure that was all just trolling based on assumption ("you don't like Overkill? What are you, an emo? Hyuck hyuck!"). You wanna see some real dick sucking here, just bring up Sleep or Cormorant (r.i.p. Wine, gone but not forgotten) Neither are emo or post-hardcore
Well, taht was an interesting experience last night. Badass show Ghost was fuckin awesome nd place was almost sol out so FUCK u haters. Also, i got there fuckin hour 1/2 before show started nd searched for anyone in a MRH shirt - only ppl i saw there with any mushroomhead apparel was a dude in a mrh hat who looked 65 nd some skinny lookin drug addict type in a mrh 20th tour shirt with stupid green mohawk liek hair - not sure who the fuck th 2nd one was @penile or what but if it WAS indeed urself then ur luckyur bitch ass didnt come into the pit nd ooutta th goddamn bar area where ppl were flooded nd security fucks - also, why the FUCK was there more crack smoke - man if u guys have been to metsl shows in STL nd havent smelled the crack smoke u got some sensory problems or some shit
@Roadie, GTSD and pretty much anyone who crossed over from Mayhem Boards as I did. Mayhem Boards are gone, no point to keep bringing them back up again until/if they come back. And is there really a point to coming on here and calling everyone on here already fuck tards and fags? Probably shouldn't have made an account, then!. Roadie, glad you made an account. Lot of good metal conversations over the past few months. But should any of us really retaliate to Metal Uprising users calling us fags by calling them fags? Kind of hypocritical, isn't it? And for the most part, I like most of these guys even though more than half of them have told me to kill myself already. Its their way of saying "I love you".....possibly. If you're not planning to off yourself, why worry about it? Just chill. I got Iron Maiden Trooper Beer and my 4/20 is still going even though its 4/21! And Greg, before you even say "But Maiden's your favorite band and they rip on them." We all have different tastes man. World would be boring if we all liked the same shit. LOL I totally forgot you were going to fight Penile. Make sure you get that on video. Just the fact of the two worst people to ever butcher grammar coming together should create some kind of rip in the space time continuum hahaha
fucking noobs
) iron maiden gets it's dick sucked around here as much as tool at least when they're revalent
" even though more than half of them have told me to kill myself "
" Its their way of saying "I love you"
[-X no seriously ky
Gtsd, I always knew about this place. I was just holding out hoping our place would come back. Guess not.
Everyone except DrDime and BeefTorpedo came in missing a sense of humor
Wanna be e*tuff? Gtfo
Overkill still sucks, but that doesn't mean were all over the post-hardcore dick. I'm pretty sure that was all just trolling based on assumption ("you don't like Overkill? What are you, an emo? Hyuck hyuck!"). You wanna see some real dick sucking here, just bring up Sleep or Cormorant (r.i.p. Wine, gone but not forgotten) Neither are emo or post-hardcore
Greg is a fag
Beef torpedo is just the new dirtball
Dr dime is cool
The rest atrocious
it's kinda funny that people from the mayhem boards think they're more metal than us
dr dime is a fucking faggot
Crack smoke
Its prob weed or vapor dumbass
Yeah seriously dude is just making shit up
) there is no way you could get away with smoking crack at shows
I love you too