So looks like more old members are joining now, also appears that Mr. Douchebag Reese & butt buddy Lyman have screwed their fans once again by not bringing the boards back - assholes, hurting themselves too cause that's where new people get festival info and whatnot. So, this is the thread we post in to avoid the 'other retards' bullshit and butchering of the english language that seems to be even worse than GTSD's..... SO what do you old fucks reallllly think of this mayhem lineup? Also, seeing as Emmure, King810, Miss May I, and Asking Alexandria are all on together looks like the brocore fuckers will be in hordes this year, hey Thor/BitchDallas or whatever you go by now looks like your bro buddies'll be there this year maybe you will get laid unlike last year with ranger, or porkrinds lol.
fucking kill yourself
how is that roll call coming along?