fuck it. probably saw val air ballroom in iowa but overall probably first avenue, sound is so fucking cash. first avenue > your favorite venue. gojira there will be so fucking tits. cricket wireless amphitheater is the favorite out doors the pit they have is awesome. its slanted and shit. love the stage and always had a blast there. not too far away and get some good shows. val air lost some points doe because they took my fake. might be blue moose which is some dive bar in iowa city, saw dahlia there \m/ post em :!!
Reggies >
Wooly`s \m/
red rocks > your favorite venue
I really like Slim's in San Francisco.
Masquerade, although it's kinda getting gay with all the fucking yuppies that have invaded the area
crescent ballroom is probably my favorite. paid parking but free reentry and the sound is the best in the city.
rialto in tucson is goat sound doe.
yucca tap room is my other favorite locally. free parking and virtually unlimited spots, free reentry, great beer selection, and they share a wall with my favorite smoke shop.
Yea that Red Rocks amphitheater looks badass.
i'd post some pictures but you know
The Palladium in Worcester, MA
White Rabbit.
no barricade, stage diving, speaker diving, hanging off the roof and flying into the crowd. Venue is so awesome \m/
wooly's is poverty
Kill yourself.
it's gay as fuck honestly. i'm surprised i didn't get kicked out for jumping off the chair during chimaira
doesn't get shit for shows besides hipster shit
fuck i was drunk at chimaira