I know there's a thread for favorite Goregrind BANDS but this one is just for posting your favorite Goregrind ALBUMS. Maybe say why you like it or something along those lines or just post the album.
Rompeprop - Gargle Cummics
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYSAnzVDS4MI really like this album. Its both brutal and pretty funny at the same time. The song titles are hilarious such as Foreskin Fart & Porn to be Wild lol. I'll admit I am a sucker for the vocals as well.
Have to post a classic of course!! this album is perfect in every way. The riffs are just mind blowing. I wish they would play more songs off of this album live.
you know how some people are blown away by singers such as Bruce Dickinson or Whitney Houston because of the way they sing. People are just hypnotized by their voices. I feel the same way for Stevo's vocals in Impetigo. I love LOVE his lows and his somewhat highs are cool too. This is the only band I listen to where I would picture a zombie or a crazy cannibal on vocals. also the riffs on this album are awesome
best songs:
Dear Uncle Creepy...
Red Wigglers
currently blasting this disgusting but awesome album!! the album is non stop and I love the guttural vocals on this!! I highly recommend it for anyone who likes Impetigo and early Carcass
very groovy album and the pitch shift vocals are killer. I highly recommend giving this album a shot