">tfw on way out from grocery store and pass by three 1.90+m built young men
j-sus, just seeing such people together is intimidating. And evoke feels of being a subhuman.
I also wonder what it would be like to have a camaraderie of real men, no manlets, hungry skeletons or such"
fuck a couple posts down from this ) ) )
I see them as the biggest tools out of all the vapid normals. They're so dumb and addicted to pussy that they waste a good chunk of their lives in a boring gyms doing repetitive exercises in order to get their body in a proper shape to attracted females, while I spent my days playing vidya, learning on the internet and eating tasty foods
"I'm 23 now and everyone tells me it's time to grow up. But why would anyone want to grow up?
That just means you have to work a job, which robs you of your time. You'll get money for it, but unless you're in the top 10%, most of that is spent on life's necessities. The few luxuries you can afford, you won't be able to enjoy because you have no time anymore. You can try to find yourself a woman, but that just adds another layer of time and effort you have to invest. In the end, you just race around aimlessly hoping to achieve something you might never even reach - happiness.
Fuck this. I may not be particularly fulfilled right now, but at least I'm not burdened with tons of responsibilities in addition to feeling empty and badgered."
I'm going to join and try and organize a forum get together. Maybe I can get them all to drink the Coolaid before they ban me for a get together. I wont be drinking said drink I will just be getting rid of worthless people.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
looked at the rules, any mention of a social life or who you actual are is bannable.
May just lurk for a while.
Shit world, 0/10, would not be born again
no social circle, no drugs! I legitimately dislike cigarettes and alcohol, but I wish I had access to marijuana and heroin