so I was being a free speaking American telling him how I felt about how he was carrying out his duties
What did you say?
When he wouldn't stop bulldogging me, I demanded his badge number and name. He told me "good luck on that", so I approached the 2 other pigs that had been sitting in the truck but got out after the commotion. They both were pulling the same routine. So he asked for my name. Being pretty heated by that point, I announced my entire name, phone number, license number birthdate and the *number* to my house 542. This is important: I thought he knew what road he was on. So he walks off and radios in my info and it comes back invalid because he told them maple valley road, the road adjacent to mine. So he comes back calling me a liar. So I started walking off, telling him that I would acquire my license and come back and show him. Keep in mind that this is all occurring 20 feet from my front yard. So he tells me that if I go another step that he will taze me, at which time I told him to go fuck himself, that I am an American with rights and that he would be committing a pretty significant error by continuing with me. He ran up and grabbed me from behind and grabbed my hand, stopping me. Then he told me he was arresting me. I was laughing at this point, because I know what this will look like once I start telling people later what he did. I reminded him that I was going to plaster my story of every liberal blog site in the U.S. and that I work for one of the largest law firms in the Southeast and what a terrible error he and his buddies were making. It's pouring rain on me the entire time this is happening, so I remind him and his fellow officers that they're also putting me at risk for pneumonia. So they threw me in the back of another car. On the way to the car was when I shouted for the media people to come down and view what was happening to me, partially to get the pigs to relent and let me go. I was shouting my story to them as they approached. The pigs shooed them away though. The pig in the car they put me in was being cool with me. He kept assuring me they weren't arresting me, that they just wanted me out of the way. I asked him why they just didn't let me go home and reminded him of the shitstorm I intended on bringing down if they continued with me. He was being cool with me though, showing me his web art page and shit like that and I thought they were about to let me go. What happened during this is important: for one, the officer that cuffed me had an argument with the guy in the car over my address. This was when I found out that he didn't know what road we were on as there was a debate about it between the two. Then, the people that trampled my fence walked by the car and I pointed then out to the cool pig. He got out and questioned them and got confirmation of my story, with them telling the pig their names and promising to come back and fix the damage. So they knew when they arrested me that everything I had been telling them was true. So they remove me from his car and put me in the car of the guy that put the cuffs on me. He gets in, and smugly holds up 2 tickets, looks back at me and says "well, I can either charge you with disturbing the peace or obstruction of justice...either way you're on your way to jail." I started laughing. I was hysterical. His superior came over and asked what I chose, to which he replied "Both!" And giggled like a little bitch. That's when I really went off. There were lots of "fuck" "scumbag" "pig" and some adjectives. Even though I was mad, I was calculated enough not to make threats. I had a homeboy once that got the cops called on him during a drunken argument and him threatening them got "terroristic threat" charges, so I wasn't playing that shit. By the time we got to the main road, I switched over to talking about wired shit like the rats in my basement and the computers being down all week at work because I was in so much pain from how they had me 6'4" 285 crammed in the back, laying on top of my arms cuffed behind my back, still tangled into my shirt and I had to talk to keep my mind off how much pain I was in. After that, I started in on him about how God would feel about how he was doing me and what he was going to say to the almighty when asked. He didn't reply, so I started singing Christmas songs
I'm sorry but I can't help but enjoy how delicious this is. Satan has, on multiple occasions, went off on me about how I'm ignorant and only use my "Fuck the pigs" stance, to fit in wit some kind of Hip Hop mold, but yet he personally gets reamed by the police and I'm right yet again. There's some good cops, sure, but they're outnumbered 10-2.
You're so dumb. The reason anyone gives you shit for being like that is that you're a spoiled little dickhead who has no dealings with cops to relate to. It's all posturing with you. That's why you fail at life. Please seek a noose immediately
You're so dumb. The reason anyone gives you shit for being like that is that you're a spoiled little dickhead who has no dealings with cops to relate to. It's all posturing with you. That's why you fail at life. Please seek a noose immediately
LMFAO Quickest I seen someone get irate on here. )
You're so dumb. The reason anyone gives you shit for being like that is that you're a spoiled little dickhead who has no dealings with cops to relate to. It's all posturing with you. That's why you fail at life. Please seek a noose immediately
LMFAO Quickest I seen someone get irate on here. )
>maintains humor with noose reference >irate >notsureiftrollingorstupid.jpg
Worst case scenario: I pay 2 misdemeanor fines and get stuck explaining the situation to concerned friends and relatives for a couple of months. I aim high but prepare myself for the worst. I'm kinda using this forum as a primer for what kind of reaction I can expect from others that don't know me, so I appreciate feedback. I'll post the police report later for you guys. It's the most ridiculous thing ever
I'm starting with attorneys tomorrow. If prospects of a successful lawsuit against the city, county, dept, whoever aren't too promising, I plan on hitting social networking and civil rights groups. If that doesn't work, we'll see
Dude what fantasy world are you living in? Satan openly hates cops and has agreed with everyone who does the same
LMFAO Quickest I seen someone get irate on here.
how you going to go about this?
^ accurately describes how I feel about this situation. Sorry to hear this Satan. Sounds like a shitty situation.
then give me a shot out