Anyways I'm down tonight :!! Also still open to the glitch if anyone wants to try lol
What glitch? Y'all down to spam the Criminal Records exploit? Went from level 4 to 22 last night in like 3 hours. Since playing shit as a crew gives so much more of a bonus, I can only imagine how much faster it'd go.
I'm not trying to cheat for rank really...I just wanna unlock the car mods....there is a race that at 1 lap is about 32 seconds...and I guess if you do it with the super class it unlocks the mods for all the classes
I'm itching to do some missions though. I want some real money. Enough of this small change shit
It's boosting/exploiting a mission that for some reason or another gives a massive amount of RP.
@marcthefallen u down bby grl?