Metal Uprising: The Crew Ranked #1 in getting arrested for stolen golf carts Feared by middle aged yuppies who lack in properly secured golf cart storage.
Metal Uprising: The Crew Ranked #1 in getting arrested for stolen golf carts Feared by middle aged yuppies who lack in properly secured golf cart storage.
Gonna pick it up tonight or tomorrow's. Got to play it at my friends house last weekend and it seemed pretty sweet. The older white guy's missions were more fun
Buddy came over and wa playing....I watched him drive aroun this dumb truck and he was plowing over all kinds of shit...then he hit a volleyball net and he stopped dead in his tracks ) )
Ranked #1 in getting arrested for stolen golf carts
Feared by middle aged yuppies who lack in properly secured golf cart storage.
But for online gaming Xbox>> ps3
Most people on ps3 don't even have mic's
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