I have never really understood why so many people whine when it gets 90 or 95 degrees outside. I always didn't mind it. When it gets to 105 or more though is when it's just unnecessary
I don't see how just because someone else thinks we shouldn't "whine" about the heat or because the south gets hotter than the north, it diminishes how much it sucks up here right now. We can say the same shit about you guys whining about a dusting of fucking snow. You're just looking for an excuse to be an asshole.
I whine about the heat all the time too. i cant stand dwayne-chipmunkcheeks-wade
I don't see how just because someone else thinks we shouldn't "whine" about the heat or because the south gets hotter than the north, it diminishes how much it sucks up here right now. We can say the same shit about you guys whining about a dusting of fucking snow. You're just looking for an excuse to be an asshole.
I don't find it scorching hot like 95% of other people do. In fact that's perfect swimming temp for me cuz it guarantees I won't get cold at any point enough to get a cold chill
I have been drinking
God fucking damnit Gary...
B. because 90+ is hot faggot
Irritability detected.
Its not like they are bitching about 70s weather or something
Never. B-)