they didnt read me mine at any point when I was arrested
I've had that happen a few times... when my lawyer brought it up in court they just said "yup, read them to him. Twice actually, once in the car and once at the station"
When it comes down to your word against theirs, they win every time.
Its been a long time since I've been arrested, but it probably depends on where you are at. I think the cars are set to record only when they hit the lights, but I might be wrong. The rooms the question you in usually have cameras, but a lot of the lobbies and shit don't. It's always been my experience that cops will do whatever the fuck they want to though, good or bad. Cops are just people, and people are assholes. Just about every job has rules and regulations of some kind set in place, but people still tend to take whatever little shortcuts that they can to make the day go easier.
when the chick who initially pulled me over had her officer come over, they made me wait on the curb. I distinctly ovetheard her talk about this pullover would help count towards her being able to somehow accumulate points or whatever enough to do motorbike patrol. and the whole time I blew 0.00s, but they insisted I was high... even though I hadnt smoked in over a year.
people like to write it off as rebellion and shit, but the fact is that until you experience the law is flawed, you should shut the fuck up.
the closest i've come to being arrested was when i was 17. me and my friends were planning on breaking into a junkyard to VISIT his old car (small town boredom) ) ) we were looking for a place to park and what we thought was just a path off the side of the road was actually somebody's driveway. and this lady came out of her house yelling some shit so we took off. i guess she called the cops. we managed to hide from the cops for a little while because my friend parked his car in the woods but we later got pulled over by 6 cop cars ) . got searched and everything. they did the "good cop, bad cop" routine on us ) ) unless that one particular cop was really a douche lol. he was trying to imply we were gonna rob that lady's house. we were just charged with trespassing )
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
When it comes down to your word against theirs, they win every time.
dat system doe
people like to write it off as rebellion and shit, but the fact is that until you experience the law is flawed, you should shut the fuck up.
we were looking for a place to park and what we thought was just a path off the side of the road was actually somebody's driveway. and this lady came out of her house yelling some shit so we took off. i guess she called the cops. we managed to hide from the cops for a little while because my friend parked his car in the woods but we later got pulled over by 6 cop cars