All of this shit is stupid all people had to do was not comment unless it was to post a tour and then the stupidity rose with end closing it instead of simply deleting the other posts.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
>open new tours thread >open for a few hours >run it by us first and then we'll post >close thread >tfw all we want is A SINGLE tours thread
I forgot this was rocket science!
> open new tours thread > only rule is post JUST tours > be 10 minutes later > Todd and Facefuck posting "omgjuly15thimafaggotdjfjshdhfjfhfjdjfh" > mods delete > They post again > Mods delete > Rinse and repeat > They close thread
then as gnomez and arlo said, they should take the responsibility and keep on it
or just ban people for posting if they dont follow the rules. one of the two
or ya know... open the original tours thread no rules and if people want to bitch about conversation, use another one of the 18472922098467450 metal news sites
>open for a few hours
>run it by us first and then we'll post
>close thread
>tfw all we want is A SINGLE tours thread
I forgot this was rocket science!
@jlredwing13 :-w
> only rule is post JUST tours
> be 10 minutes later
> Todd and Facefuck posting "omgjuly15thimafaggotdjfjshdhfjfhfjdjfh"
> mods delete
> They post again
> Mods delete
> Rinse and repeat
> They close thread
or just ban people for posting if they dont follow the rules. one of the two
or ya know... open the original tours thread no rules and if people want to bitch about conversation, use another one of the 18472922098467450 metal news sites
but its stupid as hell to have this be such a big deal. open the original thread, or leave the new one open. not a difficult concept.