^well you never here of people ripping their faces off who are not on drugs plus people doing drugs have less money and stuffs personally I would rather keep the money I have for concerts, a new tube amp, and anything else I want
I have a job too but I wouldn't be going to as many concerts if I was using my money for drugs I wouldn't be able to buy a new tube amp and I wouldn't be able to buy a car or pay for gas for that matter then when I have the tube amp, I have to replace the tubes in it every once in awhile
he had issues befooore he took angel dust
or watch the whole thing if u want
plus people doing drugs have less money and stuffs
personally I would rather keep the money I have for concerts, a new tube amp, and anything else I want
I wouldn't be able to buy a new tube amp and I wouldn't be able to buy a car or pay for gas for that matter
then when I have the tube amp, I have to replace the tubes in it every once in awhile
people will buy anything
oh and someone should show that picture to corpsegrrinder
epic cannibal corpse album cover