This is Tank! Breed- Terrier, American Staffordshire/Mix! 7 years old.

We went to the animal shelter as we always do just to take some dogs out and play with them, get them to stretch their legs.. I always try to talk Andrea into getting another dog, but she's always like nah. Well today we found Tank. A huge pit that was licking our faces and a loving dog. His owner had to move and couldn't bring the dogs so they had to give them up. He's been with a younger sister since he was a month old and in my opinion it will be good having Lucy here for him. We're bringing her Sunday to make sure they get along well and if all goes good, Tank will be part of our family by next week

...I'm also glad Andrea will have a mean ass looking dog to protect her, or at least look intimidating.
Here's his bio! Tank is a social fella, who is always eager to make a new friend. Though Tank is a mature dog, at times he can have the energy of a puppy. Tank can forget his size (and strength!) and may need to be reminded of his manners. Tank is an attentive dog; he already knows SIT, CATCH, STAY and COME (and is willing to learn so much more!). Tank will make a great addition to a loving, active home.
He's perfect!
All clear.
Give him BullyMax. :-?
Success in college means nothing in the NFL
as for the mounting, females will actually do that as well to show dominance but as long as theyre both fixed there shouldnt be a problem