Iron Maiden is the gold standard, nobody should be shitting on them. The only things they ever did to get any amount of criticism is that the song The Clairvoyant is a rip off of Styx's Blue Collar Man, and also the riff after the slow part in Rime Of The Ancient Mariner is a rip off of Love Gun by KISS - besides these, SHUT UP maiden haters.
Iron Maiden is the gold standard, nobody should be shitting on them. The only things they ever did to get any amount of criticism is that the song The Clairvoyant is a rip off of Styx's Blue Collar Man, and also the riff after the slow part in Rime Of The Ancient Mariner is a rip off of Love Gun by KISS - besides these, SHUT UP maiden haters.
Honestly if your music can even be compared to Styx or kiss you fucking suck
There's a difference between catchy and good
Bury me wit ole Jim beam and I'll be on my hell ride
and then this
Yup. Those were the days.
Should be the new site banner