i always thought of rush to put it vaguely as extremely corny.nerd rock if you will...first off I hate the voice.. i like unique voices in music but dear lord its just horrid...i simply just cant get passed it.. then the instruments.. yes they know how to play them..yes they are very talented.. but to me its like how whitney houston is spr talented at singing but i could give a fuck about it.. its seems alot of times they playing stuff just to make it sound 'difficult' or 'epic' and i always hated that.. to me that is not what rock is about.. hence why iusually dont like just face melting solos that go on for ten min or dragonforce. then theyre is the lyrics..some of them are not too bad but i just cant get into them at all, not deep enough.. i never feel like im trying to discover anything new with them theyre just kinda there sung in some gay nasally voice.. and this is all captivated finally by my hatred for that retarded tom sawyer song.. i dont get it at all.. i think its absolutely horrible and a joke and its their biggest hit so that really doesnt help them.. i find them to be about on par with washed up acts like foreigner styx and asia yet for some reason this goofy band still sticks around.. oh and zero fucks about neil peart..
and read the companion book written by Kevin J. Anderson.
I've been a Rush fan forever and they were my first concert ever back in 1978. I'll agree (and so do they) that they really veered off the road for awhile musically but their latest album gets back to their roots and redefines the concept of the concept album. I'm so mad we missed them back in September and we were ready to go see them in Nashville or Virginia before they announced new shows this summer. June 28th. at Tinley !! they're playing Summerfest in Milwaukee but no Alpine Date.
and I can totally understand why some people hate them. I can't stand listening to Tool for the exact same reasons
there is nothing really to hate about rush, just sick of talkin about them when theyre are tons of better classic artists that never even get one mention nowadays.. not just on here but in general.. its cuz i think rush equates to metal more than other classic artists..still a little annoying
I like Rush because they are a band who actually have a story to tell in their music and maybe its just my preferred taste but I love face melting solos and long epic songs such as 2112, and Cygnus Book I and II.yes it is nerd rock in a way but it makes sense! someone like me who likes Lord of the Rings and Star Wars is defiantly going to love Rush! plus you gotta give it up for them when it comes to the fact that its been the same 3 guys for more than 3 decades. A lot of the other classic rock bands dont have the same members anymore. But I guess Rush is not for everybody and thats alright
and read the companion book written by Kevin J. Anderson.
I've been a Rush fan forever and they were my first concert ever back in 1978.
I'll agree (and so do they) that they really veered off the road for awhile musically but their latest album gets back to their roots and redefines the concept of the concept album. I'm so mad we missed them back in September and we were ready to go see them in Nashville or Virginia before they announced new shows this summer. June 28th. at Tinley !! they're playing Summerfest in Milwaukee but no Alpine Date.
and I can totally understand why some people hate them. I can't stand listening to Tool for the exact same reasons