Duh almost every member on here knows his name is Mike. But if you search Mike Tyree in google you're not going to find THIS site. She didn't just stroll across this site. You guys are so fucking gullible it's retarded.
Duh almost every member on here knows his name is Mike. But if you search Mike Tyree in google you're not going to find THIS site. She didn't just stroll across this site. You guys are so fucking gullible it's retarded.
Or she didn't just find the site through a google search. I say she needs to post some credible shit for anything she claims to be believed though. None of this "oh he's still with her n shit" cuz I say so bs
Wouldn't Mysterious not really be considered a troll? More like just "Will's fake account". You have to actually do some trolling to be a troll don't you? He pretty much just blended in w/ the forum and probably jumped in and agreed w/ Will most of the time. Looking back at the "Compliment your forum member" thread might be amusing tho
>15 minutes of research
> :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!!
Post pic with timestamp...
compliment troll detected.
Dat irony my nigga.
If you real, the test must be done, post a pic holding up a spoon.