In Step Brothers, the dickhead rich brother that visits, when they're at dinner. I forgot what fish he said he caught, but Dale was like:
"Is it big?" "Is what big?" "The fish you caught." "Well, see Dale, it's what we call a...TROPHY fish, so, uh, yeaaa....I mean, it's.......pretty big.".
Then he just gives the most smug smile of all time and just 360s the entire table like Dale's a fucking moron. )
"Is it big?"
"Is what big?"
"The fish you caught."
"Well, see Dale, it's what we call a...TROPHY fish, so, uh, yeaaa....I mean, it's.......pretty big.".
Then he just gives the most smug smile of all time and just 360s the entire table like Dale's a fucking moron.
I lol'ed @ 1:18
Hulk - Puny God in the Avengers