Post dem feels you get from songs. Songs that make you sad, take you back, give you the chills, etc. Not just "OMG THIS IS HURT BY NINE INCH NAILS AND IT'S JUST SO SAD
@Will ) I want to find some cool stuff as well as share. Post away.
This album I just discovered a couple of weeks ago, and this song is the lead off track on the album. I'm a sucker for spacey stuff, especially when it's combined with other tones. Very spacey and very sad black metal feel, just beautiful. A lot like Lost Keys by Tool, which is probably why it stuck out so much to me.
Mostly in the intro NOSTALGIC. Song almost makes me tear up, brings me the fuck back. Considering that's the vibe they were going for, I'd say they did a supreme job.
This whole song. Just like, the beginning is complete innocence and through the song, it's like the feeling of discovering betrayal and innocence dying. These feels can't be replicated
I think that honestly Wings For Marie is probably my favorite non-Vicarious track off of the album. It's fucking spectacular. I kick myself for not writing 100% of that. Call it selfish as fuck, but I almost wish it didn't have the lyrics it did because I want to be able to relate to it. That son is so unreal and dark and infinite.
10,000 I like almost as much, and same thing gos for that. Beautiful, beautiful songs.
those sads
chills when her voice comes in. again, such a sad song overall.
these three songs give me chills like no other songs do