I have Dota 2 but I only tried playing it once... I've heard it's so much tougher than LoL but I really love the idea of being able to kill off your own creep so the other team doesn't get it
I have Dota 2 but I only tried playing it once... I've heard it's so much tougher than LoL but I really love the idea of being able to kill off your own creep so the other team doesn't get it
I'm just biased. The original Dota was a Warcraft III mod. That's where the entire style of game came from. Dota 2 is technically a sequel to the one made in WC3.
Yeah that's what I've heard. I find it interesting that they could make a whole type of game just from Warcraft. It's like taking a custom game from Starcraft and making it into a true game lol. yeah the LoL community isn't too great but I just really started getting into this style of game
I was huge into Starcraft 2 for about a year but now I've started to play league more just cause it's way less stressful than sc2
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I was huge into Starcraft 2 for about a year but now I've started to play league more just cause it's way less stressful than sc2