Metallica is exactly what metal should not be about...there almost as bad as kiss...if it was a band that actually had passion about what they produced then sure..but for Metallica? Fuck that
Metallica is exactly what metal should not be about...there almost as bad as kiss...if it was a band that actually had passion about what they produced then sure..but for Metallica? Fuck that
I have seen Metallica 13 times....My all time fav. band but I didn't reliaze it was on SB Sunday when I got the tics and I was gonna go but at the last sec I bailed on the idea. Can't miss football ESP Giants or Superbowl. It could of been a reg season Giants game and I would of picked football. That's just me.
And yeah, they got demolished by the fucking Bucs
Giant game? Yes..without a doubt....I bleed blue
>hang yourself
You are a dumbass.