Like I said, I seen that shit before and it's the most disturbing shit I seen on the Internet. How it wasn't taken down from YouTube, I have no fucking clue.
LMAO Somebody said kill yourself in the comments ahahaha.
I'm too high for this shit. Fucking disgusting. This nigga said "I'm not even good enough to kiss your feet.". I want him to die slow. Lmao @ the dramatic music added in the background. )
"There isnt anything I wouldnt do for you" > after she rejects him "i think I wanna take it slow and get to know you first before we jump into anthing"
That shit is pretty disturbing doe.
Starts at 14:30
I'm too high for this shit. Fucking disgusting. This nigga said "I'm not even good enough to kiss your feet.". I want him to die slow. Lmao @ the dramatic music added in the background.
> after she rejects him
"i think I wanna take it slow and get to know you first before we jump into anthing"