I like testament but like Jag said its nothing new or impressive..the same ol rehashed thrash.. i mean its not bad sounding and id hear it live but if its the best the whole year has to offer than im not gonna be in any dire mood to listen to a bunch of new shit.. id rather just wait a few years and let the cream rise to the top rahter than shuffle through a bunch of bands that arent doing anything special
even the new gojira..sounds to similar to their old releases.. im not blaming some of these bands for not coming out with masterpieces every release i mean some are decent but understand why im not gonna bother with them
I was actually proud of how the whole thing transpired until the final 2. The final 8 was all pretty good stuff. The Om song, although cool gets boring after a few listens, and it's nowhere near as cool without the video.
I like testament but like Jag said its nothing new or impressive..the same ol rehashed thrash.. i mean its not bad sounding and id hear it live but if its the best the whole year has to offer than im not gonna be in any dire mood to listen to a bunch of new shit.. id rather just wait a few years and let the cream rise to the top rahter than shuffle through a bunch of bands that arent doing anything special
This was my exact point 34 pages ago when I nominated Fun. and we had that debate about the state of affairs in metal. From what I have seen, I've yet to come across a metal album in 2012 that was earth shattering. Mostly just a unoriginal rehash.
Om 8
Testament 4
vote people, I will call it final in about 7 hours