I have come to the conclusion that when it comes to male physiques, females' opinion and preferences are fucking retarded. Don't get all asshurt and take this personally if you are female and reading this, this applies to almost all of you, not singling anyone out. Y'all say you like toned guys, which in reality are just guys wit low body fat wit a light set of abs that are actually fucking scrawny and/or lanky. So, as a little experiment, I will be posting different physiques, and I want y'all to rate them 1-10, don't take face into account, just body, and don't say this can't be done, if a bitch has a horse face but a sexy ass body, I can still give just her body a 10/10. So, if any of these niggas have ugly ass faces to you, don't let that drop points from your score on their body. Wit that said, let's begin. I'll start off wit 4 different physiques.

and I have a feeling you're looking at this like a scientist looking at shit on paper. On paper the facts say they should like one thing, but in reality they don't. That's just how it is, do you really care? What is the grand conclusion you hope to reach? I mean I'm a fat motherfucker and I snatched a small girl with dat ass. :>
Figures. 8-| But still, let's keep this going, that's only 2. Also, 1-10 scores.
0/10 (that guy is just...eww...no point for you)
'Cause it was just as I expected. That motherfucker's physique is almost sad, but the sculpted works of art and results of hard ass work that few have are "ugly". But, not mad, hopefully a few of the opinions on here will break the status quo.
Is so much more impressive and sexy than a bitch that's just simply lean. She's solid and aesthetic and you know she lifts, female lifters have the sexiest asses bar none because of squats. It's just sexier to me because you know she actually puts hard work into how her body looks.