Remember a tree grows how you bend it..I hope you get a little boy for 2're a man and all men deserve a little boy and #2...They are much easier to raise than little girls.
It has caused a minor problem but hopefully things will work out. We have a big family cruise at the end of april. She will be 26-27 weeks along. The cruise line said if she is 24 weeks or after she cannot go. We are going to hope its a very smooth pregnancy and the obgyn will write her a note saying she can go and say she is 23 weeks or something
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Girl: prepare to listen to Justin Bieber, and Taylor Swift against your will.. %-(
I will pray for you.
It has caused a minor problem but hopefully things will work out. We have a big family cruise at the end of april. She will be 26-27 weeks along. The cruise line said if she is 24 weeks or after she cannot go. We are going to hope its a very smooth pregnancy and the obgyn will write her a note saying she can go and say she is 23 weeks or something